Cork board with a hand placing a yellow post it note on it

How do you want your business and yourself to be remembered?

Our business is based on one powerful word GRATITUDE.

It is not about how much you spend on a gift, but choosing what is appropriate, thoughtful, and beautifully presented.

So – How do you want your business and yourself to be remembered?

We all want repeat business & referrals – this may rest on how valued you make your clients feel and how you stand out from your competitors.
Now many of us are working on our businesses because we cannot actually work in them. Take some time and think about those in your chain that contribute to your business –clients, staff, partners, suppliers etc.

Gold question mark inside a black circle
What would your business look like without them?

What are you prepared to do to ensure that each of them feels valued?

Now is a great time to send a long overdue handwritten note expressing your gratitude for the contribution to your business.

Everyone loves to be appreciated.

Schedule a gifting plan for the year?

Are there milestones or celebrations through the year to be noted?

Do you organise any staff birthdays – cake or gift? Or always hand it over to someone else? When the boss takes the time, it will surprise & delight everyone.

If you need inspiration, organisation and a partner in gifting who cares about your RESULTS – I am always happy to chat.

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