Dark cloth laying on table with a white gift box with white ribbon sitting on top surrounded by scattered diamonds

Maximizing ROI through strategic gifting: How to get the most out of your corporate gifts

Giving a gift is often viewed as more thoughtful than monetary incentive including gift cards. These options are often seen as lazy, not to mention that often gift cards get lost or the recipient doesn’t spend them within the required timeframe and then the gift is totally lost!

So - Why Give A Gift?

Black outline cartoon gift box with gold accents

Giving a gift can improve business connections, strengthen ties and generate greater staff efficiency. Gifts can evoke feelings of being valued and appreciated which in turn will create a team of staff more willing to give back, helping to develop feelings of LOYALTY.

But gifts do cost money and the feelings of gratitude and the above mentioned benefits do need to be weighed up.


Some see the above as the ‘frilly side’ of gifting, which doesn’t suit everyone. But what does suit everyone in business is RETURN ON INVESTMENT.

As business people, we need to make each dollar count! And gifts can provide you with a great ROI.

Hand on a knob the says " profit" turning it from low to high

Gifts can help people to remember you, to be repeat clients and to refer you to others. This will in turn generate ROI - and create walking talking billboards for you and your business!

AND You are delivering your marketing directly to your target market. Straight into their hands – literally!

At the end of the day, businesses want and need to make money, and we need to be analytical about where we spend money to make sure we get a good return and that each dollar is a solid investment.


Sometimes, we visit businesses who simply aren’t making decisions with solid ROI.

Gifting Scenario - an accountancy firm were creating their own gifts for clients in house.

They claimed the gifts cost $45-50. But do they really cost $45-50?

No, they really do not!

This firm had one of their accountants create their gifts.

The staff member needed to research the products

Purchase those products at retail pricing

Research how to package these gifts.

Then package the gifts ready for each recipient.

The in house gifts that the business is trying to achieve under budget, almost always end up more expensive an investment than the dollars spent.

The cost in the accountants time far outweighed any perceived ‘savings’.

What is your time worth?

On top of that, the gifts often end up looking less professional than if you outsourced them to a gifting expert.

We take the stress out of gifting, so you can focus on what you are best at!


So how do gifts create ROI?

Gifting sends a powerful message about who you are and the culture of your business.

It puts a physical memory of you in the hands of those who are well equipped to promote you and your business.

Gift Linx is a front runner in gifts that stand out and make you memorable - elevating your profile.

We create gifts that align with your brand – to make you look professional from beginning to end and avoid the last minute panic.

  • Gifting can be a confusing and stressful process! As if owning and/or managing a business isn't stressful enough, these business etiquette scenarios will continue to keep you on your toes.

  • Not only should gifts be personal and memorable, but also presented well with quality boxing and packaging.

While some say, "it's the thought that counts" with a gift, its actually the thoughtful thought that really makes an impact.


So next time you are thinking about gifting in our business, aim high
Why be average, when you can be exceptional!?
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